It’s been a
whirlwind these last six weeks as
I’ve assumed Mark’s job. I tried to
absorb all of Marks wisdom,
experience, knowledge and
expertise in two short weeks but the
reality is, you can’t. I’m just glad
that Mark’s only a phone call away.
Thankfully Marilyn, Ed, Donna and
Ron, as well as the rest of the staff
here have been a tremendous help.
Thanks to you all!
Exciting things are
happening, and I wanted to share
just a couple with you. Donna
Kelly and Det. Justin Boardman of
the West Valley Police Department
are beginning a year-long,
nationally sponsored, study to
develop a protocol for interviewing
trauma victims. There are currently
no protocols available on how to
deal with or interview victims of
traumatic experiences; sexual
assault, violent assault, DV, etc.
Because of their work, Utah is
receiving national attention. Donna
has already been invited to speak at
several conferences next year on
this study.
“Trauma Informed Response” is a
new way for officers, prosecutors,
judges, juries, victim advocates, etc.
to look at the way victims of trauma
respond. I’ve sat through a couple
of their training sessions and
walked away with a whole new
insight and perspective on how
victims react to trauma and how
they relate the events they went
through. Donna and Det.
Boardman have developed specific
training that will truly open your
and your officer’s eyes. Please take
advantage of their expertise.
Other changes I hope you’ll start to
see include a revamping of UPC’s
website. I want to make it more
user friendly – meaning that you
can come to our website and find
valuable resources to use in your
practice. Examples include a
“Motion Bank,” a Q&A section,
short training videos, “How To”
manuals, items for your own personal “Tool Box” and so much
Please let me know what we can do
for you. What kind of training
would you like to see? What works
and what doesn’t? Do you know
someone who would make a great
presenter at a future conference?
Would you like to be a presenter at
a future conference? How can we
make the newsletter better? How
can we be a better resource? How
can we make you a better attorney,
prosecutor? If you’ve got ideas,
please let us know.
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